Radial Shockwave Therapy (R-SWT) is the most common type of Shockwave Therapy and is available in our clinic. However, Focused Shockwave Therapy (F-SWT) - due to the nature of it's successful results, is growing in popularity.
Its main benefits over R-SWT are it's increased treatment options and indications, the treatment depth (upto 12 cm compared to 4cm), treatment precision and increased patient comfort in more acute cases.
We're delighted to be in a position to offer this emerging treatment option - Brand new for 2022 we now have available the best in class Focused Shockwave Therapy Machine from Storz Medical.
Watch the video below if you would like to increase your understanding of the difference between Radial vs Focused Shockwave.
Focused Shockwave Therapy Indications:
F-SWT is used for the treatment of but not limited to:
Acute injuries in elite and recreational athletes
Knee & Joint arthritis
Bone and Stress Fractures
Shin Splints
Hallux Limitus / Rigidus
Osteitis Pubis - Groin Pain
Insertional Achilles Pain / Tendonitis
Tibialis Posterior Tendon Syndrome
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Haglunds Deformity
Peroneal Tendon Injuries
Tibialis posterior ankle sprain
Tendinopathies and Enthesopathies
Urological indications (ED) Male Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction / Chronic Pelvic Pain / Peyronie’s
Delayed bone-non unions/bone healing
Wound Healing and other dermatological and aesthetic indications
Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) and Focused Shockwave
It has been found in clinical research that F-SWT can accelerate meniscal degeneration healing and plays a chondroprotective role in OA (helps to delay the joint space narrowing, improving the biomechanics by protecting chondrocytes- cells responsible for cartilage formation). (Cheng et al., 2019).
This chondroprotective effect is consistent and beneficial in both the early and late stage of OA (Wang et al., 2012).
F-SWT has been shown to have beneficial effects on cartilage, subchondral bone and surrounding tissues, as well as providing relief from chronic OA pain (Senbo et al., 2020)

If you would like to find out more about how Focused Shockwave Therapy could help you or get yourself booked in for an Initial Consultation, then please contact us on 01949 485084 or complete the form below and one of our team will get in touch!